News 2024
The PB Brazilian Census online phase is completed
I directed the first summer school on RCT at Southampton University
We helped deploy the Participedia Summer School in Cape Town
[Phoenix update] The partners have completed the evaluation 8 of the 11 Territorial Commissions of Codesign activities
C-BEAR won the Pippa Norris prize
[Phoenix update] We have finished the codesign of the pre/post surveys for the 11 Phoenix pilots
I got a bit of funding to redo the Brazilian PB Census
News 2023
[Phoenix update] Territorial Commissions of Codesigns are ongoing in 11 locations across Europe
I have got a bit of funding to assist the UK PB Network
We completed the Citizens' Assembly in Southampton
We did the first (at least I think it is the first) door knocking experiment applied to promote participation in a CA
In the fall I am on Sabbatical between Morocco, Italy and the UK
Demoplay project completed, we have a new version of EMPAVILLE!
Follow-up blog post in dialogic form with Kyle Redman in Deliberative Democracy Journal
Supporting Bologna CA evaluation coordination
The blog I wrote with Tiago Peixoto on Sortition and Representation has reached more than 5000 visualizations